Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Jul 3, 2023 – Jul 9, 2023 – You’re starting July with some major fireworks during the full moon in your sign on Monday, encouraging you to celebrate yourself and have some fun. You’ll be in your full power as you shine in the spotlight, so this is a great time to try new things. Those new opportunities you found in winter can blossom now.
On Thursday, make it official when Mercury in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus, and you’ll have a partner in crime to tackle the summer with. Doing something with someone special can help you create some magic.
End the week by expressing your ideals and values when Pallas enters Virgo on Sunday, moving into your expansion zone. Over the next several weeks you’ll be able to get people on your side with powerful words. Now is the time to advocate for important humanitarian changes. Feel optimistic that you can do good, Capricorn!