IDEAS 2024 is set to commence tomorrow in Karachi.

The Ministry of Defense and the Defense Export Promotion Organization (DEPO) will host IDEAS 2024 at the Karachi Expo Center from November 19 to 22.
The event seeks to exhibit Pakistan’s sophisticated and traditional defense capabilities while promoting international partnerships.
The expo underscores the strategic significance of the Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC) in reinforcing Pakistan’s defense industry internationally.
The expo will showcase an extensive array of state-of-the-art defense apparatus, encompassing armaments, armored vehicles, combat aircraft, helicopters, naval vessels, submarines, and sophisticated drone systems.
Moreover, advancements in missile technology, cyber defense, satellite systems, and electronic warfare would emphasize Pakistan’s increasing technological capabilities in military manufacturing.
The Karachi police have announced a traffic plan for the residents of Karachi in anticipation of IDEAS 2024.
The International Defence Exhibition and Seminar (IDEAS) 2024 will commence from November 19 to 22 at the Karachi Expo Centre.
The government of Pakistan places significant emphasis on IDEAS. The show draws several delegates and is regarded as a means to promote their local arms trade.
The inaugural launch of IDEAS occurred in 2000 and was a vehicle to promote Pakistan’s domestic arms manufacturing businesses whilst providing a stage for international vendors to offer solutions to the requirements of the tri-services of Pakistan.
The event, consistently held at the Karachi Expo Centre, attracted forty-five foreign delegations in its inaugural year.