Leo Weekly Horoscope

Dec 26, 2022 – Jan 1, 2023 – Get a jump-start on your fitness goals when Venus in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces on Wednesday. Take applications for a 2023 fitness buddy, because you’ll be able to achieve much more if you have someone by your side. Ask your friends to hold you accountable and help you with your goals.
Especially because it might be a slow start as Mercury goes into retrograde in your habit zone on Thursday, throwing a wrench into your plans. Your habits are so hard to change that it might take a while to reach your goals. Don’t give up. The new year hasn’t even started yet! Just take small steps, Leo.
It truly takes a village, something you’ll realize when Venus conjoins Pluto in Capricorn and your habit zone on Saturday. You’re going to need some help if you’re going to reach all your goals for the new year. Stop being so stubborn!