Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Jun 26, 2023 – Jul 2, 2023 – You’re starting the week on a pleasurable note when Mercury enters Cancer and your creativity zone on Monday, where it will be for the next two weeks. This is a great time to express your deep feelings and take a gamble on what drives your heart. Don’t overthink it, Pisces. Just feel and explore your emotions!
Create your dream self when the sun in Cancer trines Saturn in your sign on Wednesday. This aspect can help you romanticize your life and become your ideal self. This is a great time to work on your aspirations and become the best version of you. Get happy!
End June on a lovely note when the sun conjoins Mercury in your pleasure zone on Friday. This is a great day to express yourself creatively, work on your hobbies, or even start a romance. This is a day of leisure, so remember to just relax.