Saudi Arabia welcomes 1 million pilgrims for Hajj 2022
Muslims from across the world have gathered to perform the biggest Islamic ritual – hajj. Hajj is a yearly pilgrimage made by Muslims to the holiest cities in Saudi Arabia. Hajj is also considered an Islamic obligation carried out once.
The last two years of a pandemic have disturbed worshippers from all around the world. Hajj was also immensely disturbed, as it being the most visited sites for Muslims.
According to the Saudi authorities, around 650,000 pilgrims have arrived in Saudi Arabia. Prior to 2019, around 2.5 million participated in the Islamic rituals. However, the pilgrims were restricted to 10,000 in 2019. In 2021, the total was made around 60,000 with strict SOPs.
In an addition, one million vaccinated pilgrims below the age of 65 will attend the Hajj ritual under serious sops. Pilgrims will process a PCR test result. The mosques have been disinfected and washed 10 times a day.