Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Jan 23, 2023 – Jan 29, 2023 – Having a stable home environment can help you get your life together when the sun in Aquarius sextiles Jupiter in Aries on Tuesday. Allowing your family to help you can encourage you to develop healthy habits and routines that make your life run more smoothly. Let the people who love you help you, Scorpio!
Especially as life becomes extra romantic when Venus enters Pisces on Thursday, moving into your pleasure zone. This could be the start of a dreamy love affair, an exciting creative project, or friendships with people who inspire you. While you’re all starry-eyed, don’t look past any red flags.
End the week by building a home with someone special when the sun trines Mars in Gemini on Sunday. You’ll be sharing resources with someone, and by sharing you’re creating a deeper connection. Again, don’t be too proud to admit that you need some extra help.