Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Dec 26, 2022 – Jan 1, 2023 – End the year by falling in love when Venus in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces on Wednesday. Love is in the air, and the person you kiss at midnight at the end of the week could be the person you spend your life with. Swoon!
However, your good mood sours a little when Mercury goes into retrograde in your creativity zone on Thursday. You might have a hard time finding pleasure in anything over the next couple of weeks. Don’t force fun, Virgo. Let things happen naturally and your muse will return. Focus on enjoying the journey, not reaching the end goal.
End 2022 on a steamy note when Venus conjoins Pluto in your pleasure zone on Saturday and you get some hot loving to start the new year. This is a great day to focus on fun. Romance can transform your life for the better.