A few people have assumed control of PTI: Fawad Chaudhry

“I am still a member of the PTI,” declared the former minister.

As per Forms 47, Fawad Chaudhry stated, “Had I quit the party, I would have been a minister today.”

Newcomers like Raoof Hassan rose to senior status in the party “without any justification,” he claimed, and a small number of people had taken over the PTI.

Shibli Faraz did not manage the party’s business and stayed at his residence for six months, the former federal minister claimed, criticizing the present PTI leaders.

Additionally, he said, “Hamid Hassan continued to maintain his Australian farmhouse.”

Not only did Fawad Chaudhry not attend the IPP celebration on his own initiative, but he also claimed that he was coerced into joining the Istehkam-e-Pakistan Party (IPP).

After signing up for the IPP, he remarked, “It was a free trip.”

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