Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Jan 30, 2023 – Feb 5, 2023 – February starts on a bit of a rocky note as Ceres goes into retrograde in your communication zone on Friday. You might have a difficult time understanding everything, both yourself and the world around you. It’s easy to get lost in unproductive thoughts, so get back to your roots to create understanding.
Your ego might take a hit when Venus in Pisces squares Mars in Gemini on Saturday. You might have dropped a lot of money on a passion project that didn’t seem to go your way. Remember to show yourself some grace, Aquarius.
End the week on a steamy note during the full moon in Leo and your partnership zone on Sunday. You can really light a fire in your love life on a cold night, so this is a great night to ask out your crush or take an important relationship to the next level.