Aries Weekly Horoscope
Oct 17, 2022 – Oct 23, 2022 – You’ve spent the summer learning about your community, but when Saturn moves forward in your social zone on Saturday, you’re ready to see how you can turn your knowledge into action. This is a great time to develop community ties and do volunteer work.
Then, Sunday ushers in a period of changes when the sun enters Scorpio, moving into your transformation zone. The next four weeks are going to be a little intense as you go through an emotional growth spurt. Be brave and embrace these changes with open arms, Aries. You have to go through the darkness to find the light.
Venus also moves into your transformation zone on Sunday, making you very intimate with the people you love. While you’re feeling a little more lustful than usual, you’re more interested in building bonds and changing relationships for the better. Don’t be afraid to take things to the next level.