Aries Weekly Horoscope

Oct 24, 2022 – Oct 30, 2022 – Start this spooky week on an empowering note during the solar eclipse in your transformation zone on Tuesday. You’re ready to take on the world and step into your power. This is the time to create your legacy, Aries, so don’t be afraid to make waves.
Though you might have to think differently about how to go about it when Jupiter enters Pisces on Thursday, moving into your subconscious zone. End everything that is no longer serving you as you move forward. You aren’t retreating. You’re lying in wait.
Especially as Mars will be going into retrograde in your communication zone on Sunday. This will feel like a second Mercury retrograde because you’ll be experiencing a lot of delays in your life. It isn’t a great time for short-distance travel because you’ll want to stay put. Choose your words with care even if you’re frustrated.