Aries Weekly Horoscope

Mar 13, 2023 – Mar 19, 2023 – Your hotheadedness might get you into trouble when Mars in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces on Tuesday. A passionate debate could have you shooting off your mouth and losing important opportunities. Play it cool and think before your speak if you want your private dreams to come true.
It’s almost your birthday, Aries! So get yourself an early gift when Venus enters Taurus and your value zone on Thursday. This is a great time for expensive treats that are actually useful and not just impulse purchases. You’ll be attracted to stability, so invest in your relationships.
End the week with a confidence boost when Mercury enters your sign on Saturday. Over the next couple of weeks you’ll be getting your point across with passion, bold words, and body language, but be careful. It would be easy to misread a situation when the tension runs hot. Slow down!