Aries Weekly Horoscope

Mar 27, 2023 – Apr 2, 2023 – The beginning of the week brings a fresh start as you think about the life you want to build when Mercury conjoins Jupiter in your sign. This is a great time to put big plans into action, because everything can work out for your highest good. A first impression can lead to success.
Home is your haven when Mars in Cancer trines Saturn in Pisces on Thursday. Focus on making a safe place for yourself. Whether you’re decorating your home, spending quality time with loved ones, or doing inner-child work, this can be a day for breakthroughs!
Thursday can also bring strong possibilities of making big money when Venus conjoins Uranus in Taurus and your value zone. You’re finally making your own money (and not relying on family) to help you get on your feet and feel successful. Just don’t spend it all in one place, Aries!