Aries Weekly Horoscope
Jun 27, 2022 – Jul 3, 2022 – Start the week by getting passionate about your community when Mars in your sign sextiles Saturn in Aquarius on Monday. This is a great day to be the change you wish to see in the world, so attend a town meeting, organize a volunteer event and take small actions that can lead to major changes.
While you’re yearning for community, start by putting down roots during the new moon in Cancer on Tuesday. The moon in your home zone is encouraging you to reconnect with relatives, create your own family or find the perfect place to call your own. Make emotional security a priority during this lunar cycle, Aries.
Tuesday also brings a harsh wake-up call when Neptune goes retrograde in your privacy zone. Over the next few months, you’ll need to deal with endings so you can heal instead of pretending that things are “fine.”