British-Pakistanis possess a longstanding history of societal contribution. Dr. Faisal

Dr. Mohammad Faisal, the High Commissioner of Pakistan to the UK, participated in a notable assembly of British Pakistanis at the British Muslim Heritage Center in Manchester.

The event was organized by the Consulate General of Pakistan in Manchester in partnership with the management of the British Muslim Heritage Center in Manchester.

The event was attended by notable British Pakistanis, including Afzal Khan MP, Yasmin Qureshi MP, Councillor Yasmine Dar, Hon Judge Ahmed Nadim, Raja Najabat Hussain, former parliamentarians, local representatives, businessmen, lawyers, and several accomplished youth of Pakistani descent residing in Manchester.

Consul General Tariq Wazir, while welcoming the High Commissioner and esteemed British Pakistanis, stated that this event was organized to showcase the accomplishments of young British Pakistanis and their substantial contributions to British society.

High Commissioner Dr. Mohammad Faisal, in his keynote presentation, remarked on the remarkable accomplishments of British Pakistani youth. “The youth, particularly females, are achieving remarkable success across various domains in Britain, and every Pakistani takes pride in their accomplishments.”

Dr. Faisal emphasized that Pakistanis have been contributing to British society. British Pakistanis have made significant contributions to the NHS, legal and judicial sectors, banking, business, and medium enterprises. In domains like as gastronomy, the arts, and music, British Pakistanis have fused British culture with Pakistani traditions.

The high commissioner said that individuals who have harmed or disrupted the British social fabric must be penalized without distinction. Nevertheless, generalizing the entire community based on the actions of a few criminals is inequitable.

Dr. Faisal stated that Pakistanis in the UK possess a robust aspiration to advance within British society and serve as exemplary constructive contributors.

Afzal Khan MP stated that British Pakistanis aspire to exhibit their rich heritage globally and serve as symbols of positivity. “Every contribution made by Pakistanis is invariably positive.” He emphasized that the media should promote a favorable representation of Islam and Pakistan.

Councillor Yasmine Dar remarked that Pakistani women are integral to British society. She urged British Pakistani youngsters to participate in politics for the benefit of the Pakistani community.

Honorable Judge Ahmed Nadim stated, “We, as a community, must not embrace a reactive approach.” He underscored that British Pakistanis appreciate the opportunity and respect that British society has provided them.

Honorable Judge Nadim urged the youth to utilize their time productively for the advancement of British society.

The British Pakistani youth representatives had a panel discussion. They implored the community to collaborate in presenting a favorable representation of Muslim and Pakistani heritage. They emphasized the necessity of engaging with British young to convey the authentic representation of Islam, which advocates peace and cooperation.

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