Flight operations have recommenced at Peshawar airport following a fire incident.

Following a short disruption caused by a fire incident, activities at Bacha Khan International Airport in Peshawar have resumed and restored to a state of normalcy.

Authorities verified that all flights, including those operated by Pakistan International Airlines (PIA), have resumed their regular schedules.

The temporary disruption of aviation operations on Thursday was caused by the closure of the runway, which was precipitated by a fire incident in a flight operated by Saudia airlines. Nevertheless, the authorities promptly reacted to the issue, guaranteeing strict compliance with safety regulations throughout the entire occurrence.

Today, airport officials have confirmed that flights bound for Dubai, Sharjah, and Karachi will continue as scheduled.

Additionally, please read: A flight operated by a foreign airline experiences a fire incident at Peshawar airport.

The Air Accident Investigation Board personnel swiftly conducted inspections and subsequently removed the aircraft involved in the incident off the taxiway for examination. The airport manager was leading efforts to ensure the efficient functioning of the runway.

Flight operations started incrementally, commencing at 7:50pm on Thursday, indicating a rapid restoration of airport functionality. A privately operated airline aircraft ER-852, which took out from Jeddah, safely touched down at Bacha Khan airport.

A fire erupted onboard a foreign airline’s airplane at Peshawar airport on Thursday morning. Aviation sources report that a fire originated in the landing gear of Saudia airlines flight SV-792 from Riyadh while the aircraft was landing at Peshawar airport. The air traffic controller reported the fire to the authorities.

Additionally, please read: Saudi airlines has released a statement regarding the fire incident at Peshawar airport.

Following the incident, emergency procedures were immediately implemented, resulting in the prompt evacuation of 276 passengers and a crew consisting of 21 members, who utilized emergency slides.

The event resulted in brief interruptions at Peshawar airport. The airport was closed for a duration of 24 hours because a plane was present on the airport taxiway. As to the Notice to Airmen (Notam), the runway closure was scheduled to last from 10:35 on Thursday until the same time on Friday. All flights destined for the Peshawar airport were required to be redirected to other airports.

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