Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Jan 16, 2023 – Jan 22, 2023 – Your words hold deeper meaning when Mercury moves forward in your transformation zone on Wednesday. You have the power to unlock a lot of doors over the next few weeks. Use a mix of logic and intuition to get anything you desire.
Now that we’re fully in the new year, you can truly start broadening your horizons when the sun enters Aquarius on Friday, moving into your expansion zone. This is a great time to seek knowledge in all its forms and ask the big questions that have no solid answers. Hit the road to find yourself, Gemini.
End the week on an adventurous note when the new moon enters your expansion zone on Saturday. Break out of your routines and do something different. From visiting a new town to going down a research rabbit hole, you’ll be able to stimulate your mind by gaining a new perspective.