July’s hottest night ever recorded in Karachi.
With a temperature of 32.5 degrees Celsius, the warmest night in July in Karachi set a new mark.
Record highs of 32 degrees Celsius were reached earlier. This is higher than those records.
It was the highest overnight temperature ever recorded for Karachi in July earlier on July 17, when the city’s minimum temperature hit 32 degrees Celsius.
With a sea wind and partly cloudy skies, the port city is expected to experience a high of 39°C today.
Sea winds are halted, and the heat and humidity are intensifying the extreme heat.At 35 degrees Celsius, it “feels like” it is 46 degrees Celsius in the city right now.
The city has a 68% humidity level, which contributes to the extreme heat, according to the Meteorological Department.
Rain and thunderstorms were predicted in certain regions, although the city’s heat index remained high.
Some places may experience some reprieve as monsoon currents are reportedly making their way into Sindh. Also expected to influence the weather patterns on Thursday and Friday are westerly winds.
A possible reappearance of the sea breeze is predicted for the evening by the Met Office.