Kaisi Teri Khudgarzi Episode-4 Review: Shamsher calls off Mahek’s nikkah

Shamsher abducts Ahesun and threatens him at gunpoint.
Ary Digital’s drama serial Kaisi Teri Khudgharzi is problematic on so many levels yet it depicts the true picture of an autocratic mindset. Danish Taimoor’s performance is brilliant but he needs to stop being type cast. Dur e Fishaa is equally good but we do not want helpless and whining heroines. In the previous episode, we see Shamsher making Mahek and her family’s life hell. In this episode, Shamsher calls off Mahek’s nikkah by abducting her groom Ahesun.
Well, one wonders in which world Mahek’s mother lives as she comes up with the idea of nikkah. Doesn’t she know that Mahek’s nikkah will not create any effect on Shamsher’s obsession for her nor it can stop him in any way. Then why she is risking Ahesun’s life, we are really understanding the feelings of Ahesun’s mother she has all right to think about her son’s safety.
Ahesun’s mother plays a trick she exposes the plan of Nikkah with some mutual acquaintances of Shamsher well how come the aunty knows the mutual acquaintances of Shamsher and how quickly they have conveyed her message to him seems quite far fetched. Well, it is quite a risky step Ahesun’s mother has taken as Shamsher can literally kill Ahesun for marrying Mahek keeping in mind his passion and obsession for Mahek.
Mahek’s nikkah which does not seem a sane and a good idea to us also is eventually called off by Shamsher. He makes his signature entry in front of Mahek’s house and then he goes straight to Ahesun’s house dragging him out and abducting him. Mahek is all shocked as it is what they were all fearing. Ahesun’s mother deserves it. Well, one wonders what Mahek’s family is thinking that once Mahek will get nikkahfied then Shamsher automatically is going to leave her? As if he respects such relationships.
Ahesun’s father’s persistence that Ahesun will perform nikkah after his arrival seems quite unnatural he should have been worrying for the life of his son at this moment. Shamsher threatens Ahesun at gunpoint that he is going to kill him and his family if he still persists to marry Mahek! Poor Ahesun has left with no choice but to back off and follow whatever he is asking him to do. On the other hand, Shamsher’s father lives in another zone where he still believes that Mahek is enticing his son and she has made him abduct that guy how funny it sounds! The ending scene is so heartbreaking when Ahesun comes back home and he tells Mahek that he is sorry as he cannot marry her. Shamsher has removed his big obstacle now the other bigger one is his own family.