Khawaja Asif discusses the possible military court trial of the PTI founder.

Khawaja Asif emphasized the importance of conducting a public trial to reveal the detrimental intentions of the PTI founder. According to him, PTI was implicated in the assault on national institutions on May 9.

“The public must be made aware of the nefarious intentions of PTI towards the security institutions.” “If Imran Khan’s case is being referred to a military court, it is imperative to conduct an open trial in order to inform the public about the leader of PTI,” he stated.

Khawaja Asif stated that the connection between Imran Khan and former ISI chief Faiz Hameed persisted until May 9.

“Imran Khan and Faiz Hameed shared a mutual objective, which is why they had a connection,” he stated.

Former Prime Minister Imran Khan has urged for a public court trial of former ISI chief Faiz Hameed, emphasizing that the issue should not be seen solely as an internal military problem.

During a casual discussion with reporters, Imran Khan made it clear that his connection with Faiz Hameed came to an end when Hameed retired. He refuted allegations that he continues to stay in touch with the former Director General of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI).

The user expressed skepticism about how Faiz Hameed, who is retired, could potentially be advantageous to him.

General Faiz’s importance diminished once he retired. He questioned the potential benefits that maintaining communication with the former DG ISI could bring to him, ultimately dismissing the idea.

Imran Khan restated his request for a judicial committee to probe the incident that occurred on May 9.

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