Leo Weekly Horoscope

Jan 30, 2023 – Feb 5, 2023 – The next few weeks could bring some miscommunication issues because you’ll have a hard time staying focused when Ceres goes into retrograde in your communication zone on Friday. Gossip can create disharmony in your life, Leo, so don’t spread anything around that isn’t true.
Your attention is much more focused on your relationships when Venus in Pisces squares Mars in Gemini on Saturday. You’re deep in your love haze right now, which could dampen some of your social connections. Remember, balance is the key to happiness.
Sunday is a big day for you when the full moon is shining in your sign. The moon can help you step into your power and glow. This is a great night to put on your favorite outfits, go out, and let everyone know just how sparkling you are. Have fun and put yourself out there!