Libra Weekly Horoscope

Mar 13, 2023 – Mar 19, 2023 – Relationships get sensual and deep over the next four weeks once Venus enters Taurus and your intimacy zone on Thursday. This is an ideal time to develop a solid bond with a lover that will truly last. There’s a strong possibility of moving in with someone, sharing resources, or getting intimate. Swoon!
If you owe someone money, start a payment plan to help you get out of debt when Venus sextiles Saturn in Pisces on Friday. You need to develop good habits, especially if you’re living with someone. Show them that you’re a responsible person (you might even start believing it yourself).
Be courageous and go after anyone and anything you desire when Mercury enters Aries and your partnership zone on Saturday. This is a great time to ask someone out, score a great contract, or beat the competition just by using your wits. Pair up and conquer, Libra!