Libra Weekly Horoscope

May 29, 2023 – Jun 4, 2023 – Keep it professional this weekend when Venus in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces on Friday, because your connections can help you be more productive. People are noticing your hard work and are willing to help you reach your dreams. Success is closer than you think, Libra.
Knowledge is power, something you’ll feel deeply during the Sagittarius full moon on Saturday. With the moon in your communication zone, you’ll be open to learning and sharing information with others. Plan a field trip for yourself to learn more.
You end the first few days of June on a vulnerable note when Mercury conjoins Uranus in your intimacy zone on Sunday. You could find yourself being more intimate and open with your feelings, leading to some major changes. Ask for what you need, and accept change as a natural part of life. It’s all going to work out.