Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Feb 27, 2023 – Mar 5, 2023 – If you want to make some healthy changes to your life this month, don’t be afraid to ask for help on Wednesday. Venus conjoins Jupiter in your health zone, encouraging you to seek help to create a better life. From finding a fitness buddy to developing good relationships with your coworkers, these connections can lead to success.
While you’re creating healthy habits, don’t forget to set some ground rules at home when Mercury conjoins Saturn in your home zone on Thursday. Now is the time to settle all domestic issues as the month begins. Set boundaries for a happier home.
Get ready to have some fun when Mercury enters Pisces on Thursday, moving into your pleasure zone. Over the next couple of weeks you’ll feel extra creative as you let your imagination run wild. Let your passions take the wheel, Scorpio!