Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): PM Should Adopt The Precepts Of The Holy Prophet (PBUH) To Handle Difficulties

The country’s issues can be solved by adhering to the teachings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallalaho Aleyhe Wa Allehi Wassalam, according to Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif.

In Lahore, he was speaking at an Eid Milad-Ul-Nabi Sallalaho Aleyhe Wa Allehi Wassalam celebration.

The Prime Minister stated that the teachings of Hazrat Muhammad Sallalaho Aleyhe Wa Allehi Wassalam are a source of light for everyone in search of direction, not just Muslims.

In addition to Muslims, Shehbaz Sharif claimed that people of other religions also coexist peacefully in Pakistan because of Hazrat Muhammad Sallalaho Aleyhe Wa Allehi Wassalam.

As millions of Muslims give their lives in order to free Palestine and Kashmir, he has expressed his great sympathy for the oppressed people living in these regions. He hoped that soon justice and freedom will come to both Kashmir and Palestine.

Declaring that the creation of a welfare state based on Islamic values is necessary for Pakistan’s progress, the prime minister urged for its establishment.

Shehbaz Sharif called on individuals to take responsibility for eradicating extreme inclinations and abuse from society in accordance with the teachings of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Sallalaho Aleyhe Wa Allehi Wassalam.

Shehbaz Sharif emphasized the need for unity in accordance with the teachings of the Holy Quran, stating that Pakistan’s enemies seek to divide the country and that we must work together to stop them.

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