Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Jul 3, 2023 – Jul 9, 2023 – You’re starting July with fireworks when the full moon is in Capricorn and your pleasure zone on Monday. Whether your latest flirtation leads to a spark or you’re finishing a creative project you’ve been working on, now is the time to show off and celebrate your happiness.
If you have a problem, a great time to ask for advice online is when Mercury in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus on Thursday. This is a great time to tweet, hit up chat threads, and even talk to your online friends to expand your world. Use social media for good!
Especially since you’ll be on a mission to change the world over the next several weeks once Pallas enters your sign on Sunday. This is a great time to take on challenges with courage, Virgo, so look for causes that you can support and make your life’s mission.