Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Mar 6, 2023 – Mar 12, 2023 – You’re starting the week on a bit of an intense note during the full moon in Virgo and your transformation zone on Tuesday. The changes you made in August can come to full power now. Sure, you wish things could be different, but you need to let go of past mistakes and embrace the present.
Especially as you enter a new period of your life when Saturn enters Pisces, moving into your value zone on Tuesday. Over the next three years you’ll need to develop a better relationship with money as your values shift. Draw up a strong budget and a stronger sense of self-worth as you invest in things you cannot touch.
Spend the weekend on your domestic life when Juno enters Taurus on Saturday, moving into your family zone. Keep your private life private this month as you build a solid emotional foundation with someone you care about.