Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Apr 3, 2023 – Apr 9, 2023 – Your inner artist comes out to play this week when Mercury enters Taurus and your creativity zone on Monday. The fresh spring weather is perfect for your mental, emotional, and spiritual health, and you can’t wait to have fun. This is a great time to start creative projects and discover a new hobby (like a spring fling)!
Your hard work finally pays off during the full moon in Libra and your reputation zone on Wednesday. An important reward or achievement could have you in the spotlight. Take your bow, Capricorn, but remember to handle yourself with grace or you might become cringe.
End the week with a love affair when Mercury sextiles Mars in Cancer on Saturday. A flirtation could easily become a lasting partnership if you’re willing to make the first move. Saying the right words and planning a date night can make them swoon. Enjoy!