Libra Weekly Horoscope

Feb 20, 2023 – Feb 26, 2023 – You’ll have a million thoughts racing through your head when Mercury in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus on Tuesday. All of them are brilliant ways to change your life, so why can’t you take action on any of them? Feeling overwhelmed by all the possibilities could have you stuck. FOMO might actually lead you to miss out, Libra.
Get out of your rut and take a trip outside your comfort zone when Mercury trines Mars in Gemini on Wednesday. This is a great day for taking a trip, diving into a creative project, or just learning more about the world around you.
End the week by getting deep into your feelings when the moon conjoins Uranus in your transformation zone on Saturday. This can be a period of emotional rebirth as you discover new and confusing things about yourself (especially taboos).