Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

May 15, 2023 – May 21, 2023 – You’ll spend the rest of the year being extra productive once Jupiter enters Taurus on Tuesday, moving into your routine zone. This is very much a period of adulting as you look to get your act together, Sagittarius. It’s an ideal time to pay off debts, work on your career, and even get a pet.
Start those healthy habits during the new moon in Taurus on Friday. This is a great day to work on yourself and improve your life for the better. Start by scheduling appointments with healthcare providers, starting a workout routine, and organizing your desk at work.
You’ll have more time for fun and excitement when Mars enters Leo on Saturday, moving into your expansion zone. Get your passport ready, because you’ll be on a quest for adventure as we head into summer. Be spontaneous, throw yourself into new experiences that will broaden your horizons, and have fun!